Body Aesthetics
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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler
Protrusions due to weight gain or loss in the leg area, sagging, some disproportions due to extreme weakness, and the congenital distorted appearance of the lower legs are the most common problems we see in leg aesthetic surgeries.
One of the most important elements of body beauty in women is the legs. Women who have very thick, very thin, crooked or asymmetrical legs experience a loss of self-confidence.

Leg aesthetics is a wide aesthetic type that includes many different aesthetic operations. Thanks to leg aesthetics, leg thinning, leg tightening, lower leg thinning operations can be performed. It is very important to establish the cause and diagnosis of such problems correctly. At this point, it is very important that the whole process is carried out in the company of a specialist plastic surgeon. It is also very important from the beginning of the process that the person conveys his complaints about his leg and the image he wants to have at the end to the specialist doctor. Leg aesthetics should be performed with a specialist plastic surgeon and his team in an environment where hygiene is important. With leg aesthetics, a very important way can be achieved in achieving the ideal appearance of the legs that people complain about. Leg aesthetic operations are operations that usually give results in one go.
Bacak estetiği işlemleri bacağının şeklinden memnun olmayan tüm hastalara yapılabilir. Bacaklarda yağlanma en sık basenlerde, uyluk içlerinde ve diz içlerinde olur. Basen yağlanması kalçayı düşük, bacakları kısa gösterir. Uyluk ve diz içindeki yağlanmalar ise bacakların eğri gözükmesine yol açar. Bazı hastalarda bacakların ön tarafında da yağlanma olur ve çepeçevre inceltme gerektirebilir. Bir diğer sorun diz altındaki ve ayak bileklerindeki kalınlıktır. Bu bölge liposuction ile inceltilebilir. Bazı hastalarda ise sorun diz altlarının aşırı ince olmasıdır. Bu gibi durumlarda baldırlara silikon protezler konularak diz altı daha kalın ve adaleli gösterilebilir. Bacak konturundaki ufak eğrilikler yağ enjeksiyonları ya da dolgu uygulamaları ile kamufle edilebilir.
There are many procedures that can be performed on the leg area. These can be applied alone or in combination, depending on the patient’s needs.
Liposhaping: The most lubrication occurs in the hips, inner thighs and inner knees. With the removal of fat from these areas, the legs appear longer and smoother. In addition, a general thinning can be achieved by performing liposuction all around the legs. Below the knee and around the ankle are thinned with thin cannulas. By adding the taken fat to the necessary areas, more smooth looking legs can be obtained. Fat addition operations are most often performed on the knees and calves. In addition, small curvatures can be hidden with fat injections.
Calf prostheses: Although thin legs are desirable, they can look ugly when too thin. Especially in patients with disproportionately thin lower part of the knee, silicone calf prostheses can offer a good solution. The prosthesis is placed through a small incision made behind the knee. Thus, the legs appear thicker and more muscular, emphasizing the thin ankle and giving the legs a more attractive appearance. Especially men and women who are interested in bodybuilding prefer calf prostheses.
Thigh lift: The thin skin on the inner side of the thighs loosens and sags as a result of aging and weight gain. In this case, the thighs are tightened by removing the excess skin leaving a vertical scar.
Filling applications: Filling applications can be made in patients with small curvatures in their legs, but who do not have enough fat tissue for fat injection.
As in all surgeries, it is necessary to stop aspirin and smoking 3 weeks before the surgery in leg aesthetic surgeries. In the last week, it is necessary to stay away from drugs and similar substances that can dilute the blood.
What not to use:
Multivitamin pills containing substances such as ginseng, ginko biloba, co-enzyme Q,
Herbal products such as green tea, flax seeds, cherry stalk, tomato seeds
All weight loss products
Patients are usually sent home the same day. You can take a bath after two days. Corset is used for about 3 weeks after liposhaping procedures. After liposhaping applications below the knee and calf prosthesis, it may be necessary to use compression stockings for 3 weeks. Swelling continues for a long time after liposhaping procedures under the knee and ankle. It is recommended that patients stand as little as possible in the first weeks and elevate their legs. In the same way, movements should be restricted in the first weeks after calf prosthesis. After the third week, sports other than running are allowed. After the sixth week, all kinds of activities are free. Lymph drainage massages, which are started after the second week, are beneficial for the faster shaping of the legs after the surgery.
Although rare, the most important problem that can be experienced after liposhaping procedures is the formation of clots in the veins. To prevent this, we start early movement after the surgery. The most common problem is irregularity and fluctuations in the areas where liposuction is performed. With good planning, the risk of such problems can be minimized. After calf prostheses, problems such as being noticed from the outside, asymmetries and capsule development may occur. Again, after the prosthesis, the suture scar on the back of the knee may remain evident.
Some of the fat given during liposhaping is lost, but the shape changes obtained in the legs are permanent. Likewise, the effect of calf prostheses is permanent. It is important for patients to pay attention to their weight, to have regular sports and skin care in order to maintain the result obtained with surgery.